Easy@Home 50 Ovulation Test Strips and 20 Pregnancy Test Strips Kit - or Choose your own Ovulation (LH) and/or Pregnancy (HCG) Urine Test Strip Combo Kit - the Reliable Ovulation Predictor Kit (50 LH + 20 HCG)

A quick Google search for ovulation predictor kit (OPK) and aside from the digital expensive ones, this one was highly rated. I even found some YouTube reviews and I thought, for $20ish bucks, why not? Been trying to get pregnant for 9 months now. For 8 months, we simply were just having sex. I tracked my cycle with Clue- great app. I simply tracked when my period came and when we had sex. There are other things you can track but I figured, I'm 29, Latina, I should have NO problem. My husband is Mexican...we are practically ancient in the Latin fertility world. All jokes aside, I was getting worried around 8 months that something was wrong. Went to my gyno and he basically said, keep doing what your doing... Maybe try an OPK...come back when you've been trying for a year (in about 4 months) and if you still haven't conceived-we can go from there.